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People & Culture

Our Culture

Safety First, Intentional Inclusion, Act with Integrity, and Superior Performance

How we work is just as important to us as what we do, and by focusing on these values we can achieve success and belonging both for our company and the communities we serve.

Valuing our employees

Our employees are the backbone of who we are. Our diverse, highly-skilled workforce is a reflection of the best our communities have to offer, and we’re committed to helping them learn, grow, and advance in their careers.

They are our most valuable resource, and we work as a team to ensure they reach their full potential.

Creating an inclusive workplace

From the bustling streets of Midtown Atlanta to the Blue Ridge Mountains and beyond, we strive to create a culture that is representative of the communities we serve.

Our focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion helps us to maintain an environment where all ideas are heard and celebrated, and all of us are encouraged to grow and flourish.

Inspiring volunteerism

Every year our employees volunteer tens of thousands of hours of their time helping out in our communities outside of work - going above and beyond embodying our motto of being A Citizen Wherever We Serve.

On the side of the 77,000+ hours dedicated in 2023, our employees also donated more than $648,000 to charitable causes.

Who We Are

We are your neighbors and friends, your brothers and sisters. We come from every background and every corner of Georgia and beyond, and we are dedicated to helping power our state while keeping it a place where every Georgian has the opportunity to prosper.

  • From our lineworkers and customer service representatives, to our plant operators and construction engineers - our employees are our most valuable resource, and they're vital to everything we do.

Our Hall of Heroes

Our commitment to Safety and being Citizens Wherever We Serve goes beyond delivering reliable power. Every day we try to foster a culture that embodies and inspires these decrees, but every year the dedication of our employees go far beyond anything we claim responsibility for.

Discover the inspiring life-saving stories behind the heroes we are simply proud to call our coworkers!

Our Generation Workers

By maintaining our facilities, exploring new technologies, keeping systems intact and in order, or simply by serving their communities, our generation team helps make Georgia the best place in the country to live, work, and thrive.

They're dedicated to ensuring that Georgia is always on, always welcoming, and always growing.

Our Lineworkers

When the lights flicker in a storm and we huddle, warm and dry, to wait out the weather, there is a lineworker who is gearing up to head towards trouble – ready to face the elements in order to keep our communities safe and connected.

Because of the expertise and dedication of our lineworkers, we’re able to bring you the reliable energy your life demands.

How We Work

Generating power

We are one team, and whether we're working in our power plants, safely generating the energy that powers our lives, in the field safely restoring power after an outage, or connecting with our communities across the state, we all work together to ensure that Georgians have the clean, safe, reliable, affordable energy they deserve.

Operating and maintaining the grid

Our grid is how we deliver the energy we generate to homes and businesses across the state. Our teams in the field make sure that electricity can be safely and efficiently sent to you whenever and wherever you need. From lineworkers and substation workers to vegetation management professionals and power system coordinators, our teams are constantly working to keep the lights on across the state of Georgia.

Helping customers

Georgia is our home, and Georgia Power is dedicated to ensuring that all Georgians have the opportunity they deserve to thrive. Whether this means implementing programs, supporting our customers, or connecting people with resources, we have teams all around the state whose mission is to keep Georgians connected.

Keeping the public informed

We recognize the responsibility we have to communicate honestly and directly with the communities we are fortunate to serve. Our media response, web, and creative teams all work to ensure that we can get important messaging out to the public as quickly as possible.

Legislative filings and compliance

Both our state and our company benefit from a constructive regulatory environment. We work closely with community leaders and elected officials in the communities we serve to ensure that we’re operating within the confines of those regulations and that our business is improving the lives of Georgians across the state.

Living and breathing safety

Safety is more than a value; it is a way of life. We have passionate people across our company who work to ensure that everything we do – from line work and generation to corporate department meetings – is done safely 100% of the time.

Employee Resource Groups

The diverse experiences, skills and backgrounds our employees bring to work every day are what makes our company successful.

Employee Resource Groups, open to all employees, provide a supportive environment where employees can voice issues, present solutions and participate in activities that will improve the work culture and increase the feeling of inclusion and respect. They also help to increase employee engagement through professional and personal development activities, personal learning and growth workshops, diversity awareness meetings, professional networking events, and other activities that support the company's business goals. In addition, they provide leadership opportunities for their members and exposure to senior management.


The Alliance of Disability Advocates Pursuing Progress Together (ADAPPT) represents the points of view of employees who have disabilities or a connection to the disability community. ADAPPT works to develop and sustain an inclusive and supportive environment where all people, irrespective of their visible or invisible limitations, are empowered to fully realize their potential and participate equally in all aspects of life.


The Amigos Employee Resource Group was formed to assist in the recruiting, retention and development of Hispanic/Latino employees. Besides mentoring opportunities, the group serves as a bridge between the company and its growing internal and external Latino community. The Amigos seeks ways to share information about Hispanic/Latino culture and enhance company representation at community events.

Asian Pacific American

The Asian Pacific American (APA) Employee Resource Group serves to assist the company in harnessing the full potential of its Asian Pacific American employees. There are more than 40 countries represented by this group, including Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippines, Taiwan and Thailand. APA's goals are to support the company in its diversity initiatives, foster an environment for greater professional development and serve as an ambassador between the company and the Asian Pacific American customers and community.

Military Veterans in Power

The Military Veterans in Power (MVP) Employee Resource Group exists to help position Georgia Power and Southern Company as "Employers of Choice" for military veterans and to encourage them in their careers. They support supplier diversity initiatives regarding veteran-owned businesses and act as the focal point for the company's support of the military, veterans and our Department of Defense customers.

PEER Group

The Professional Education and Employee Retention (PEER) Group serves to help integrate new employees by facilitating the exchange of ideas and to educate the Georgia Power and Southern Company communities. Its membership consists mainly of employees who have worked within the company five years or less. The PEER Group sponsors a variety of events designed with the newer employee in mind. Events range from panel discussions and student-of-the-business field trips to after-hours events. Their motto—Integrate, Facilitate and Educate!

Technical Women in Georgia

Technical Women in Georgia (TWIG) was formed to recruit, integrate and retain women who work in technical fields or other non-traditional roles. Many of these women work in the regions, plants or outside of corporate environments.

Meetings allow members to share experiences, learn more about generation, transmission and distribution, as well as help new and existing employees develop technically and personally. TWIG also helps recruit young women into these non-traditional roles by visiting schools and reaching out to the community with various activities.


VOICE (Valuing Openness, Inclusion, Community and Education), formerly known as the African American Women's Networking Group since 2003, this African American Employee Resource Group re-launched in April 2014 with a broader mission to create and sustain an inclusive work environment that supports the recruitment, development and retention of African American employees.


The mission of PRIDE Power is to foster an inclusive work environment built on Our Values, where lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) employees and their allies are empowered to be authentic, valued and respected.

Work and Family Life

The mission of the Work and Family Life Resource Group is to provide quality programs and educational forums which will allow employees to focus on their careers while maintaining a well-balanced family life.