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Billing and Rate Plans

Find the right plan for your business

Small, medium or large, we've got your plan

We have plans for every type of business, including yours. Rates are based on the relative size of your business and the amount of power typically required to run that type of business. To help guide you through this process, general descriptions of the business categories that define our rates are listed below.

Pricing & Rates

Small Business – Individually owned, mom-and-pop grocery stores or restaurants with an electricity demand of less than 30 kW

Medium Business – Fast-food restaurants and small grocery stores with monthly electricity requirements of between 30 kW and 499 kW

Large Business – Department stores, large grocery stores, and warehouses with monthly electricity requirements of 500 kW or greater

Marginally Priced – Customers who desire and qualify for hourly pricing, such as national chains, department stores and large office buildings

Governments and Institutions – Customers who have governmental or institutional ties such as schools, government office buildings, etc.

Agricultural – Agricultural- and farming-related businesses

Outdoor Lighting – For public and private areas, including parking-lot, security and street lighting

Frequently Asked Questions

What obligation do I have when applying for service?

Typically, each customer enters into a minimum one-year contract with renewable periods of the same duration, unless you or Georgia Power provide written intent to dissolve the contract at least 30 days prior to the renewal period.

Who is responsible for selecting the rate for my business?

As a customer, you are responsible for selecting any applicable rate for your particular service needs. At any time upon request, Georgia Power will provide advice regarding the most beneficial rate for your existing or anticipated service requirement. However, changes in operation going forward could make another rate more beneficial. 

As a customer, what is my obligation once I have selected a rate?

After you select a rate, you may not change to another rate within a 12-month period unless there is substantial change in the character or conditions of service. You may initiate any rate change once you are eligible. Additionally, when you and the company sign a service contract, the contract terms may require that account to stay on a specific rate for a period longer than 12 months.

Which rate is most suited for a typical commercial account, such as a retail store or an office building?

The small, medium and large power and light rates (PLS, PLM and PLL) are the best rates for customers who have air conditioning, lighting and computer load that operate during normal business hours. For accounts with the flexibility to operate at non-peaking times, a time-of-use rate and off-peak riders are available.

What is meter constant?

If you receive three-phase service from Georgia Power, metering equipment often requires that electricity flowing through the meter be stepped down and then stepped up in order to be measured and not damage the meter. When this occurs, a meter constant, or meter multiplier, is used to calculate the actual energy usage. In order to calculate usage in kWh, take the reading at the end of the billing period, subtract the beginning reading and multiply the difference by the meter constant.

What is billing demand and actual demand?

Actual demand is the peak demand occurring within the billing period. Demand – measured in kW – is the 30-minute average of the instantaneous usage within that period. It is the rate of using electricity. The highest 30-minute average is the peak actual demand. Most rates consider the peak actual demand for each month within a 12-month period to determine the billing demand (a calculated number used to bill you each month).

Will you help me understand how the peak demand carryover is determined?

Billing demands spread costs over a full 12 months as opposed to billing you for the full demand cost each month. It is similar to budget billing for commercial and industrial customers. Most of our company's customers peak during a summer month when costs to generate electricity are at their highest. The billing demand is driven by this peak demand and spreads the cost out going forward. Some of the more common rates that include a peak demand carryover are: Power and Light - small, medium and large (PLS, PLM, and PLL), Governmental (G), School Service (SCH) and School Load Management (SLM).

Will you help me understand my bill?

Absolutely. Understanding your bill can be confusing, but it doesn't have to be. Click here to access our convenient Bill Explainer, which will allow you to review a sample bill in more detail and receive more information about each line item.