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Make Ready


A Reliable Energy Source

Benefits of Coal

As we work to incorporate more carbon-free energy sources into our generation mix, coal-fired generators provide reliable, dispatchable energy on an as-needed basis as part of our diversified generation portfolio.

Many of our plants that have traditionally been powered by coal have been transitioned to natural gas, and we have invested significantly in cleaner emissions technology in the coal plants that remain.

How Coal Works

Coal ore is mined and refined​

The ore is burned to heat water into steam​

The steam pushes the turbines​

Generator is turned producing electricity​

Our Environmental Efforts

Regulatory Alignment

We proudly meet or exceed federal and state Coal Combustion Residuals (CCR) rules and environmental requirements while continuing to generate reliable energy for our customers.

Emissions Reduction

We've invested $5 billion in equipping our coal-fired power plants to reduce emissions of 99% Sulfur Dioxide, 95% Nitrogen Oxides, 98% Mercury and 60% Carbon Dioxide

Our Coal Plants

Our two coal facilities, Plant Scherer in Juliette County and Plant Bowen in Bartow County, provide for 18 percent of our capacity mix.

1. Plant Bowen

Bartow County, Georgia

Current total generating capacity:
~ 3,376 MW

Commercial operation:
Unit 1: 1971
Unit 2: 1972
Unit 3: 1974
Unit 4: 1975

2. Plant Scherer

Juliette, Georgia

Current total generating capacity:
~ 3,720 MW

Commercial operation:
Unit 1: 1982
Unit 2: 1984
Unit 3: 1987

Decommissioned units:
Unit 4 (1989 - 2022)

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On average more than 85% of the coal ash we produce is recycled into things like cement, concrete, and cinder blocks.

Coal ash beneficial use

We are an industry leader in the beneficial reuse of coal ash. In October 2023, we announced plans to build a facility to recycle over 8 million tons of ash from the site of the decommissioned Plant Branch near Milledgeville for use in the concrete ready-mix market, joining similar beneficial use projects at Plant Bowen and retired Plant Mitchell.

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