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Budget Billing Program

  • No enrollment fees
  • Levelize your energy bills
  • No seasonal surprises

Take control with a more consistent monthly payment

Budget Billing creates predictable monthly bills by averaging your current bill with the previous 11-months—giving you a levelized price to pay each month. You pay the same amount in the end, but with budget billing you have predictable monthly bill amounts. Like our other billing options, there's no cost to enrolling. Balancing month-to-month bills creates a thorough rolling yearly average. Smooth seasonal swings through balanced, levelized bills.

How the program works:

Budget bill helps eliminate surprises and simplify your bill by standardizing the amount you pay each month based on your average yearly usage.

  1. Getting started
    Your first bill on the Budget Bill program will be the monthly average based on your usage over the past 12 months.
    Who's eligible for Budget Billing?
  2. Recalculated monthly
    Following bills will be recalculated monthly based on your active usage.
  3. If usage goes up or down
    If significant changes in your usage occur, your next monthly bill will be adjusted and we'll notify you.

Frequently Asked Questions

What's Budget Billing all about?

Budget Billing is a free program that averages the highs and lows of your electric bills by giving you an average price to pay each month. It is not a discount plan because you will pay for all of your actual usage, but with Budget Billing it is levelized. Keep in mind that your Budget Billing amount may change over time as your average usage increases or decreases. We will notify you a month in advance on your billing statement when the Budget Billing amount adjusts.

How does weather impact my bill?

On the current standard rate, you will have higher monthly bills as your usage increases [For example: higher air conditioner usage during the hot summer months and higher heating usage during the winter months (with electric heating).] With Budget Billing, the cost of your seasonal bills is spread out over a year 

How is Budget Billing different from Flat Bill?

The most notable difference is that FlatBill is a contracted fixed rate over a 12-month period while Budget Billing amounts are NOT fixed and may fluctuate up or down depending on energy usage.

What are the eligibility requirements?

Customers must have been at their current residence and in good financial standing with Georgia Power over the previous 12 months. Additionally, customers must not have discontinued the program in the last 12 months. 

What happens if I cancel?

The Budget Billing Program can be stopped at any time. However, the difference between the current usage amount and Budget Billing amount will be due in full. 

Will I be able to see my usage while enrolled?

Once enrolled in the program, a new section will appear on your billing statement which will allow you to monitor all aspects of the program. Included in this section is the actual dollar amount of the electricity used, the difference between the current usage amount and the Budget Billing amount, and how much total accrued difference there is between what has been used to date and what has been paid through the Budget Billing payments

What happens after I have been on Budget Billing for 12 months?

The Budget Billing year ends when the 12 month’s billing is calculated. At billing for the first month following the anniversary, the settlement process occurs. During initial set up of Budget Billing If customers elect to ‘apply’ their deferred balance it will be applied to their current bill. However, if they choose the ‘rollover’ option their deferred balance will be rolled over into the next plan year. The customer will be billed 1/12 of the previous balance each month in the current year.