The contracting process is dependent upon the size, location, and sale of the qualifying facility's output.
Generally, the size of the QF determines whether the interconnection is to Georgia Power’s Distribution System or Transmission System.
The location of the QF determines whether the interconnection is with Georgia Power or an ITS Participant.
The sale of the QF output determines whether the Georgia Power State-Jurisdictional Interconnection Procedures or the FERC-Jurisdictional Interconnection Procedures apply.
In its Order issued May 24, 2022, the GPSC approved Georgia Power’s state jurisdictional Qualifying Facility Transmission Generator Interconnection Procedures, Qualifying Facility Distribution Generator Interconnection Procedures, and corresponding Transmission Qualifying Facility Interconnection Agreement and Distribution Qualifying Facility Interconnection Agreement templates.
State-Jurisdictional Transmission System Interconnection Procedures (Transmission Interconnection Procedures*)
Apply if the QF is to interconnect to Georgia Power’s Transmission System and is selling its output only to Georgia Power pursuant to PURPA.
*Includes link to Transmission QF Interconnection Agreement Template
State-Jurisdictional Distribution System Interconnection Procedures (Distribution Interconnection Procedures**)
Apply if the QF is to interconnect to Georgia Power’s Distribution System and is selling its output only to Georgia Power pursuant to PURPA.
**Includes link to Distribution QF Interconnection Agreement Template
Procedures for Connecting to an ITS Participant
If the QF is interconnecting to an ITS Participant on Transmission and is selling its output to Georgia Power pursuant to PURPA, Generator must contact the ITS Participant directly to commence the appropriate interconnection study process and to obtain the appropriate interconnection agreement with the ITS Participant.
FERC-Jurisdictional Interconnection Procedures
Apply if the QF is to interconnect to Georgia Power’s Transmission System and is selling partial output to Georgia Power pursuant to PURPA and selling partial output to another utility in interstate commerce (see Southern Companies’ Open Access Same-Time Information System (“OASIS”)).
Georgia Power Company
Renewable Development
Attn: QF Manager
Phone: (404) 506-3681
Georgia Power Company
Renewable Development
Attn: QF Manager
Internal Bin # 10196
241 Ralph McGill Blvd NE
Atlanta, GA 30308-3374