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Qualifying Facilities Definitions

Commercial Operation
In this context, has the meaning assigned in the applicable QF Standard Offer Contract.

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.

Final Order
The GPSC’s Final Order in Docket Nos. 4822, 16573 and 19279, issued March 11, 2021 and located on the GPSC website.

A renewable energy or cogeneration project developer or owner of a facility that meets the criteria of a QF intending to sell its output to Georgia Power pursuant to PURPA.

Georgia Power or GPC
Georgia Power Company, a Georgia corporation, which is a subsidiary of Southern Company.

The Georgia Public Service Commission.

Georgia Power’s Integrated Resource Plan, which is a statutory requirement under O.C.G.A 46-3A-1, et seq, that contains Georgia Power’s plan to meet its demand and energy forecast in an economical and reliable manner over the next 20 years and contains Georgia Power’s analysis of all capacity resource options, including both demand-side and supply-side options.

ITS Participant
In this context, Georgia Transmission Corporation, MEAG Power, or Dalton Utilities, and excluding Georgia Power.


A Notice of Intent to sell output from a QF to Georgia Power pursuant to PURPA.

Open Access Same-Time Information System that is used for Generators to request FERC-jurisdictional transmission services.

Power Purchase Agreement, which is a contract between Generator and Georgia Power containing the commercial terms and conditions for the sale of electricity from the QF to Georgia Power. 

The Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978, as such act may be amended from time to time.

A Qualifying Facility that is either a small power producer or a cogenerator, as defined in 16 U.S.C. §796(18)(A) and 18 C.F.R. 292.203.

QF Manager
The Georgia Power point-of-contact for QF matters.

QF Standard Offer Contracts
One of the available PPAs offered for the purchase of QF output. This term does not refer to an interconnection agreement.

Request for Proposals as contemplated by GPSC Rule 515-3-4.04(3)(a).

Contact Information


Georgia Power Company
Renewable Development
Attn: QF Manager
Phone: (404) 506-3681

Mail Correspondence:

Georgia Power Company
Renewable Development
Attn: QF Manager
Internal Bin # 10196
241 Ralph McGill Blvd NE
Atlanta, GA 30308-3374